Até quando o homem vai seguir com seu projeto de destruição da natureza? Somos realmente a espécie animal mais burra que existe. Nenhuma espécie comete suicídio generalizado, como vem acontecendo com a espécie humana. Nenhuma espécie mata seu semelhante a não ser nos casos de disputa pela fêmea, proteção aos filhotes, ou disputa por alimento. O ser humano mata seu semelhante por NADA.
Perpetramos o ataque insano à natureza que é a nossa fonte de vida. Esquecemos que não temos apenas um dia para viver. Mas, equivocadamente, pensamos apenas no hoje. Esquecemos o amanhã. Já não são poucos os alertas acerca da extinção da espécie humana da face da terra. Mas, de toda a destruição que estamos fazendo da natureza, o que é mais grave é o método cruel com que nos sobrepomos às diferentes espécies.
Segue, abaixo, um email que foi encaminhado a mim e que me sinto no dever de divulgar para que todos vejam o que está acontecendo no Canadá.
Trata-se de uma prática cruel de caça às focas para a venda de pele etc. Existe, na mensagem, o pedido de não se consumir os produtos advindos da foca, caçada no Canadá e de forma cruel. Há o pedido de divulgação do que acontece e boicote ao consumo. Coloco o texto em inglês mesmo para evitar interpretações com a tradução. Para quem não entende inglês existem, ao lado, no site, ferramentas de tradução. Mas, como dizia Confúcio, "uma imagem vale mais do que mil palavras". Aqui vocês têm mais de uma imagem.
"Dear Daniella,
Thank you so much for standing with us these last two weeks. Today, I want to share with you more ways in which you can continue to make a difference.As you read this, the commercial seal hunt in the northern Gulf of St. Lawrence is moving northeast of Newfoundland, where sealers will kill 70 percent of the 270,000 seals the Canadian government is allowing to be slaughtered this year. The grisly images captured by the ProtectSeals team these last few days have brought home how horrible this hunt really is. So many of the pups that were clubbed and shot were almost entirely covered with white fur, meaning they were just a couple of weeks old. The world watched as the sealers raised their clubs and the pups turned and made a pathetic stand, rearing their small heads back and crying. But the clubs smashed down each and every time.
There is nothing humane about this hunt.Here are three simple ways you can help us fight to end this cruel hunt.
Our ProtectSeals team has been bearing witness to this year's hunt since it began nearly two weeks ago. They have documented unspeakable acts of cruelty and flagrant disregard for the Marine Mammal Regulations that govern the seal hunt. Click here to watch our powerful slideshow documenting Canada's 2007 commercial seal hunt. (Warning: contains graphic images.)
Let the Canadian government know that the world is watching: write a letter to the editor or post a comment on news sites or other internet sites you visit. Tell others in your virtual community about the hunt through your MySpace account or favorite blogs. If you haven't already, ask your friends, family and coworkers to sign the boycott of Canadian seafood.
International outrage has resulted in over 400,000 individuals signing the Canadian seafood boycott pledge, coupled with more than 2,000 restaurants, grocery stores, and seafood distributors who have also signed the pledge. The boycott is working. Since it was launched, exports of Canadian snow crab (the top export of sealing provinces) to the United States alone have plummeted by more than $350 million (Canadian). The boycott of Canadian seafood is one of our most effective tools in bringing the hunt to an end forever. If you have not done so already, sign the pledge now!
Download a pocket guide to boycotting Canadian seafood from our sister organization, The Humane Society of the United States, and help keep the economic pressure on.In addition to the great success we've seen as a result of the Canadian seafood boycott, our members' efforts have had tremendous results: An outstanding 122,900 emails to Canada's Prime Minister and more than 78,700 emails to Canada's Minister of International Trade, telling them that it's time to end the commercial seal hunt. In the United States, more than 18,900 messages have been sent in support of the Levin Resolution, which urges Canada's government to end "this cruel and needless commercial hunt."
International outrage has also found its footing. The United States, Belgium, Croatia, Panama, and Mexico have all banned products made from seals. Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands are considering bans. And the European Parliament has called for a full EU ban on harp and hooded seal products.
I feel confident that together we will end this hunt. And no matter how long it takes, HSI will be there. Thank you for all that you do on behalf of animals and for your support throughout this tragic time on the ice floes of Canada. Sincerely,Andrew RowanChief Executive OfficerHumane Society International
Copyright © 2007 Humane Society International (HSI) All Rights Reserved.Humane Society International 2100 L Street, NW Washington, DC 20037 USA 301-258-3010
Trouble with links or images? View this message online: There is no place for seal pups to hide from the hunt. Help end this cruelty. Watch the slideshow documenting the 2007 commercial seal hunt(Warning: contains graphic images.)"
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